Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Digital systems Lab Ex:2

The following expressions have to be proved using the truth table as well as logic gates.
Solve the exp. algebraically followed by the Truth Table. The logic gate diagram should be on the left page.

1. (AB+C'D)(AB+CD') = AB
2. ABCD+A'BD+ABC'D+A'D = D(A'+B)
3. A'C'+ABC+AC'+AB' = C'+AC
4. (X+XY)(X'+Y)+YZ = Y(X+Z)
6. XY+X(WZ+WZ')

De Morgans Law:
1. (A+B)' = A'B'
2. (AB)' = A'+B'

1 comment:

  1. OK ppl don't worry about the sixth question, just solve it to whatever u can and leave it at that, or if ur not sure just don't do anything and figure out what to do in the 5th hour

    Source: The rep
